Ejemplos de uso de dumbness
1. By now Harry was exasperated by this display of parental dumbness.
2. That said, I remain confident of America‘s near–term superiority in dumbness.
3. A lot of dumbness, as an internationally popular YouTube video –– with nearly 13 million viewings and a rising ranking among the most–discussed videos in history –– deftly illustrates.
4. "The policy based on dumbness towards issues of the Muslim world is not in our benefit as all Muslim countries raised their voice but we stayed indifferent," said Rabbani.
5. Given the injustice of first–past–the–post to Tories (as it used to work against Labour), it is a sign of dumbness in the stupid party that the Cameron rebadging has not grasped the need to support PR: the Tories need it for themselves and they will have to offer it to the Lib Dems in any coalition, since no Tory government has ever won a 12% swing.